Queens of crime – a talk by Carina Burman

  • Lästid: 2 minuter
Welcome to an unmissable evening on classic crime! The expert and connoisseur Carina Burman will guide us through the labyrinth of leading women of mystery, from Agatha Christie and Dorothy Sayers in the 1920s to their more modern followers.
Carina’s brand new book (in Swedish) ”Drottningar och Pretendenter” will be for sale during the evening! Get your copy signed by the author – don’t miss out!
Ticket 60:-. Tea & yummy cake included.
BOOK YOUR SEAT TODAY – limited number of seats!
Drop by the bookshop to reserve your seat or email uppsala@bookshop.se

När och var?

18th April 2023
at 19.00
The English Bookshop, Uppsala

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