Author visit & talk: ”How Economics Can Save the World” – Erik Angner

”How Economics Can Save the World”
– Simple Ideas to Solve Our Biggest Problems
Author Erik Angner (economist, Prof. of Practical ­Philo­sophy) presents his book and ideas in conversation with Emma Frans (Dr. of ­Epidemiology, science journalist & author – and one of Sweden’s most hilarious twitter personalities).
Welcome to an interesting evening at the bookshop!
Free event – bring a friend! Refreshments!

OUR WORLD IS IN A MESS. The challenges of climate change, inequality, hunger and a global pandemic mean our way of life seems more imperilled and society more divided than ever; but economics can help!
In this book, economist and philosopher Erik Angner provides nine actionable, real-world solutions for fixing the biggest problems that affect our neighbourhoods, politics, businesses and private lives.
As he shows, economics is one of the most powerful tools we have at our disposal – it’s far too ­important to be left to economists alone.

”This wonderful book demystifies economics”
– Diane Coyle, Cambridge University
”Filled with intellect and dry humour, this book is as enjoyable to read as it is serious about inspiring change.”
– Klaus Schwab, World Economic Forum
”The perfect tour guide to economics.”
– Jay Bhattacharya, Stanford University

När och var?

Tuesday 13th June at 19:00
The English Bookshop, Uppsala

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