Perhaps Perhaps... Quizás

If at first you don’t succeed, try again… and again… and again.


Perhaps, Perhaps… Quizás is a heart-wrenching as well as hilarious clown piece playing with the idea of loneliness, the wait and hope for Mr. Right. In an era where nothing seems to impress one another anymore, the longing for “real love” seems to be the burden of our time. Greta, our protagonist, is a lonely woman who rehearses once a week the arrival of the so called ‘one’. Will she get lucky tonight? Perhaps, perhaps, quizas…

…Quizas premiered in New York in 2010 and since then has been performed around the world to various clown and theatre festivals in New York, Brazil, Colombia, Georgia, France, Spain, UK and Sweden. Described as “at once beautifully poignant as it is hilarious” Munõz moves her audience through pathos to humour, keeping her audience on the edge of their seats as they move between her reality and her imagination (Café des Artistes).

Arrangör: Reginateatern

När och var?

13 april 2024
Kl. 19.00
Reginateatern, Uppsala

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