MUDDY WHAT? – New Blues

What these young musicians from Munich, Germany serve up to their audiences on stages around the world is a refreshingly funky, but also rich and earthy blues with a modern appearance. MUDDY WHAT?, a group of musicians around the siblings Ina and Fabian Spang, has evolved into an outstanding representative of the so-called New Blues. They burn with heart, soul and passion for what they do in an impressively inspiring way. The unmistakably pleading voice of Fabian, and the soulful, sometimes breathtakingly fast-paced solos of his sister Ina on lead guitar and mandolin have long since become the trademark of the band. Appreciation in professional circles is high, as evidenced, among other things, by their winning the Germann Blues Challenge 2021 and their numerous appearances abroad. How deep this music is rooted in them is especially evident in their many original compositions. In 2024, the band will travel as far as Panama for a festival, so one can be curious about what the future may hold for MUDDY WHAT?!
They have the last year played a lot in the other nordic countries. Now it´s time for the first time I Finland too !

Fabian Spang – gitarr och sång
Ina Spang – gitarr och mandolin
Michi Lang – trummor och bas

Arrangör: Kulturhjältarna i samarbete med Studiefrämjandet Uppsala med stöd av Kulturnämnden i Uppsala Kommun

I serveringen hittar ni Kulturoasens lunchbuffé med soppa, sallader, bröd ost, smör. Är man inte superhungrig så finns smörgåsar, fikabröd och annat gott.

Frivillig entré!
Samlas in under konsertens gång. Ska dock inte förväxlas med ”Gratis”. Vi förutsätter att man lägger en slant. Rekommendation 100-300 kr.

När och var?

24 november 2024
Kl. 14.00
Kulturoasen, Uppsala
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