Cultural Awareness Workshop

  • Lästid: 2 minuter

Whether you are newly arrived to Sweden from another country, or even if you have been here for some time, you likely already understand that things may work a bit differently here compared to how business is done in your home culture. The leadership style, communication and way of working can be a jungle for those that do not know the secret codes and rules that come with Swedish workplace culture. And with that may come a lot of frustration. This is why we are here to help. Uppsala International Hub are organising a free workshop where we will give you tools and insights into how to be as successful as possible in the Swedish workplace, including why you should never miss the 3pm fika at work!

Fika will be provided!

Arrangör: Uppsala International Hub

När och var?

20 september 2023
Kl. 17:30-19:30
Uppsala International Hub, Stadshusgatan 2, Uppsala

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