A Symposium for World Environment Day

A Symposium for World Environment Day at Uppsala University: National Interest, Representation, and the State: Implications for the Recognition of Rights of Nature.

Welcome to a symposium in observance of World Environment Day. In October of 2022, the Spanish Parliament approved the first rights-of-nature law in Europe when it recognised the legal personhood of Mar Menor lagoon. Two questions that this Rights of Nature approach raises are how will nature be represented and what will be the relationship of nature as a rightsholder to environmental and political concepts of the national interest.

This symposium will bring together scholars and members of the public for a conversation about these questions and their implications for the impact of rights of nature on democracy. Its objective is to connect people engaged in scholarly study with the rest of society. To provide context and spark discussion scholars working in the fields of public law, international law, environmental law, political philosophy, and political science will discuss the themes of representation and national interest more broadly. Two speakers from civil society will offer closing reflections on the day’s discussions. Most of the symposium will be conducted in English.

However, if you prefer to speak in Swedish we will of course accommodate you. The symposium is free. A vegetarian lunch is provided. Please RSVP by 26 May by contacting Seth Epstein at seth.epstein@crs.uu.se. For more information, including a schedule and speakers for the symposium, please follow link below.

Sponsor: Realizing Rights of Nature: Sustaining Development and Democracy
Centre for Multidisciplinary Research on Religion and Society (CRS)
Theology Department, Uppsala University

När och var?

5 juni 2023
Kl. 09.00-17.00
Humanistiska teatern (Humanities Theatre), Thunbergsvägen 3C, Uppsala

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