Guided tour in English

Welcome to Gustavianum, Uppsala University Museum

Do you want to learn more about the history of Uppsala University or is interested in exploring art, archaeology or science? Then Gustavianum is the museum for you. Each Saturday and Sunday, there is a guided tour in English at 1 PM. The guides are themselves students at Uppsala University, specializing in anything from physics to history. This spring Gustavianum is also offering themed tours the first Tuesday of each month.

Dates and times for the themed tours:
February 4 at 5 PM
The cult and place of Agia Eirini on Cyprus. A guided tour of the finds from the Swedish Cyprus expedition 1927-1931.
Filip Palmgren, masterstudent in museum and cultural heritage studies at Uppsala University

March 3 at 5 PM
Science at Uppsala University: From Celsius to Schrödinger.
Ville Karppinen Ågren, student in physics at Uppsala University

April 1 at 5 PM
A picture nothing less than eternal – a small introduction to the 16th century practice of painting on stone surfaces.
Katerina Karyotaki, student in art history at Uppsala University

May 6 at 17 PM
Far from Home: Viking Age Voyages to Byzantium and Beyond.
Filip Blomqvist Lager, student in Nordic archaeology at Uppsala University

No pre-registration is required. Welcome!

När och var?

February 4 at 5 PM
Gustavianum, Uppsala

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