Othello - av William Shakespeare

Vi hälsar TNT Britain varmt välkomna tillbaka till Salsta slott för en utomhusföreställning av Shakespeare. Förra årets Hamlet följs i år upp av Othello.
Pris 300kr. Bokning till info@salsta-slott.se

OTHELLO is Shakespeare’s most perfect play, a masterpiece of dramatic construction. OTHELLO is a thriller, a love story, a tragedy and an exploration of race, prejudice, power, war and human folly. OTHELLO was written by Shakespeare at the height of his powers, its poetry is finer than HAMLET, its psychology deeper than MACBETH, its love story more compelling than ROMEO AND JULIET, its heartbreaking tragedy more moving than KING LEAR. OTHELLO might be the finest play ever written.

När och var?

5 Spetember 2022
Kl. 18.00
Salsta Slott, Uppsala

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